Assessment of endometriosis
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a complex syndrome characterized by a chronic inflammatory process due to the presence of tissue similar to the lining of the uterus outside the uterus. This “ectopic uterus” continues to function under the influence of ovarian hormones, causing some women severe pain and sometimes infertility.
One in 10 women would be affected by some form of endometriosis
The reflux of endometrial cells during menstruation that occurs in 90% of women is the preferred theory to explain endometriosis. However, only 10% of them develop a pathology.
Today, little is known about the causes of endometriosis, its natural course and the factors that influence its progression.
Highlight the causes to better treat:
A review of the literature published in August 2018 made it possible to draw up the following non-exhaustive table on the causes of the pathology: low birth weight, early onset of first periods, low BMI, short menstrual cycles, hyperostrogeny. Recently, nutritional and environmental factors have been the subject of further study.
In addition, the hyperpermeabilities of the mucous barriers are likely to explain the passage of endometrial cells to other organs.
Several studies have shown an increase in oxidative stress in the serum of women with endometriosis. Oxidative stress is a very general mechanism inducing and causing inflammation.
The survival of endometriotic cells outside the uterus could be linked to a malfunction of the immune system such as macrophages and B lymphocytes which would result in local chronic inflammation, and a failure to eliminate these ectopic cells.
Before considering treatment, the first step is to reduce the diagnostic time for endometriosis, now estimated to be between 7 and 10 years after the onset of the first symptoms.
Currently, drug treatment, surgery and medically assisted procreation (MAP) are the only 3 approaches available to treat the symptoms of endometriosis and its possible consequences on fertility.
What are the other solutions?
The physiological nutrition clinic offers several assessments that will allow you to objectively highlight the various imbalances in order to provide an individualized response to each patient.
The results of oxidative stress : when a cell is attacked or inflamed, it produces a large amount of free radicals. Antioxidant enzymes are one of the first lines of defense for these free radicals. To function, they require minerals such as copper or selenium, which are called co-factors.
If you do not have the necessary reserves of co-factors you will not be able to defend yourself against free radicals and this will create significant damage (such as for example a DNA transcription error that can lead to cancer or hormonal miscommunication. )
Nutritional assessment: many studies show the interest of nutrition in the management of endometriosis from different points of view:
Control of oxidative stress as we have just seen.
Control of inflammation: we know for example that it is the membrane balance of your fatty acids (PAGE) and certain vitamins that the intensity of the inflammatory response will depend.
Effectiveness of the immune response: certain vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the immune response. A sufficient reserve of these elements is therefore necessary.
Support for endocrine disruptors: it is the thyroid functioning that largely allows us to take charge of the various pollutants that we absorb. And it is these pollutants that, if left unchecked, will impact hormonal communication and inflammation. For this the thyroid needs iodine and selenium in sufficient quantities.
Immune and inflammatory assessment: this assessment will allow you to highlight how your body manages inflammation. Inflammation is a reaction that is part of the immune response that occurs depending on the stimulus and its intensity. An imbalanced immune system will lead to a disproportionate, chronic immune and inflammatory response.
The balance of the microbiota and SCFAs : at first glance you will tell us: what is the relationship between our intestinal microbiota and endometriosis? Very recent studies show that your microbiota will intervene at very important levels in the management of your endometriosis:
1-it is your intestinal microbiota that largely educates your immune system. As we have just seen: a poorly educated immune system will provide an inappropriate response such as chronic inflammation.
2-it is your intestinal microbiota that ensures good integrity of your mucous membranes and their barrier function. However, in the event of endometriosis, the mucous membranes are damaged and the hyperpermeability is partly responsible for the presence of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity.
3-A relationship has been established between too much pathogenic bacteria in your gut microbiota and endometriosis. By knowing these bacteria (specific to each of you), you will be able to fight them more effectively.
4- your intestinal microbiota is capable of producing real natural medicines (SCFAs) as well as numerous vitamins capable of acting at the digestive level but also at a distance.