Thyroid assessment

Do you experience one or more of these symptoms? ?
Chronic fatigue
Difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, mood disorder, unexplained irritability, depression.
You feel hot when it is cold and / or cold when it is hot, circulation disorder (edema)
Rapid weight gain or weight loss despite a stable appetite
Hair loss with hair loss, eyebrows or hair becoming brittle, skin dryness or thickening, pallor
Muscle cramps, fine hand tremors, decreased muscle strength, tingling or numbness in the extremities.
Digestive disorders: diarrhea or constipation
Irregular periods or even absent
Heart palpitations.
You probably have a dysfunctional thyroid
Iodine is involved in the composition of thyroid hormones ( T3 and T4 ). Thyroid hormones are essential for reproduction, growth, blood cell production, bone maturation, thyroid cell trophicity, nervous system development, body temperature regulation, and muscle function.
The production of these hormones is under the control of TSH . TSH primarily stimulates the production of T4 in the thyroid. T4 should be activated in T3 at the level of the liver and at the intestinal level.
Hypothyroidism is a situation of insufficient impregnation of the body with thyroid hormones, most often due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland. In this case HRT is increased.
Hyperthyroidism results from abnormally high production of hormones by the thyroid gland. The cause may be iodine overload or an autoimmune condition.
But iodine is not only a substrate for thyroid hormones. It is also an essential element for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland (growth and trophicity).
An iodine deficit is not the reflection of food intake but of a deficit linked to the thyroid stock which is not optimal.
Biological health values for iodine are between 100 and 200ug / L.
Note that certain toxic molecules, called endocrine disruptors, slow down or block the entry of iodine into the thyroid.
The thyroid gland contains the highest amount of Selenium per mg of tissue in the body. Several proteins involved in thyroid metabolism contain Selenium. Selenium is therefore essential for the manufacture of thyroid hormones and the functioning of the thyroid.
Vitamin B9 has a protective action against cardiac hypertrophy linked to thyroid hypersecretion.
CRPus is an inflammation protein. It is not specific to the thyroid, but an inflammatory condition is detrimental to its functioning.
SOD and GPX are two enzymes that help fight oxidative stress. However, the presence of oxidative stress in the body will cause a significant stimulation of the thyroid and ultimately its weakening.
Thyroid and Microbiota
Gut bacteria influence thyroid hormone levels by regulating the absorption and breakdown of iodine as well as enterohepatic cycles.
TSH had a significant positive association with Porphyromonas, and T3L was positively related to Streptococcus in thyroid cancer cases. It is known that TSH and T3L levels are higher in cases of thyroid cancer.
A change in the composition of the gut microbiota has been identified as a contributing factor to Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis and Graves disease.
However, it is still unknown whether thyroid disorders cause dysbiosis or vice versa.
Bile acids regulate energy metabolism through changes in TSH levels, and total bile acid levels in the blood are decreased in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism.
In hypothyroidism, secondary bile acid ADC dominated, while in hyperthyroidism, primary bile acid ACDC was dominant.
In addition, there is a marked influence of minerals on the interactions between the host and the microbiota, in particular selenium, iron and zinc.
Pathogenic bacterial strains have several proteins with a high affinity for Fe. As iron is an essential element for thyroid functioning, its deficiency can lead to disorders.
Thyroid and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, iodine intakes must be increased in order to maintain normal thyroid physiology in the mother and the fetus.
The consequences of a lack of iodine during pregnancy are the significant risk of miscarriage and abnormalities of psychomotor and neurological development in the child.