Hepatic check
Is your liver healthy?

Do you suffer from any of these conditions?
chronic fatigue
post meal sleepiness
bad breath, pasty tongue.
nausea in the morning with lack of appetite.
watery stools
migraine headaches
recurrent nasopharyngitis and sinusitis
runny nose during meals.
The liver has multiple functions :
storage of sugars in the form of glycogen (energy source).
transformation of fats for their assimilation or storage
synthesis and regulation of cholesterol essential for the proper functioning of the body
making vitamin D3
production and secretion of bile acids
synthesis of proteins that fight inflammation and help immune defense.
elimination of toxic (external) from the natural environment (plants and fungi) or synthetic (drugs, pesticides, pollutants, alcohol, solvents, waves, heavy metals ...) and toxins (internal) : waste (estrogen) or metabolites produced by the organism or microorganism.
transformation of amino acids into urea.
regulation of iron stores by hepcidin.
> In this case the problem may be due to liver failure and there are solutions to remedy it.
Small liver checkup
1. Triglycerides
Triglycerides are fatty acids stored in adipocytes. Their blood level is the integrated result of the consumption of fat via diet and hepatic synthesis. Hypertriglyceridemia is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Apolipoproteins are proteins responsible for transporting fats (triglycerides, cholesterol) in the blood.
ApoA1 transports HDL and ApoB transports LDL.
An ApoB / ApoA ratio is the 2nd risk factor for coronary heart disease after smoking.
Decreased HDL-C and elevated triglycerides are common in people with cardio metabolic risk factors.
4. Ferritin
Ferritin is a protein that allows the storage of iron. It regulates the intestinal absorption of iron, has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties.
5.Proteins of the inflammatory response
Transferrin, ceruloplasmin, α-1-acid glycoprotein, α-1-protease inhibitor, haptoglobin are proteins secreted or consumed in the liver during the appearance of an inflammatory stimulus.
6. Ultrasensitive CRP
CRPus is the benchmark marker for local and / or generalized inflammation.
CRPus is a protein synthesized by the liver and released into the plasma. It plays a role in the immune system. The more the CRP level is increased, the greater the intensity of the inflammation.
7. Homa / Quicki
The HOMA and QUICKI indices are calculated from plasma insulinemia and blood glucose values measured in a fasting individual. These indices make it possible to evaluate insulin resistance for HOMA and sensitivity to this hormone for QUICKI and therefore to predict the onset of type 2 diabetes.
> Book your Small Hepatic Health Check
The Great Liver Checkup
In addition to the doses of the Small Hepatic Assessment, the Large Hepatic Assessment will dose:
Hepcidin is to iron what insulin is to sugar.
Hepcidin is a hormone made by the liver that regulates the amount of iron in the blood.
The ingested iron is assimilated via the enterocytes (the cells of the intestinal wall) then passes into the blood through a door: ferroportin.
The iron then binds to transferrin for transport and is then stored in the liver in the form of ferritin.
With liver inflammation, there is a release of iron in the liver. This release causes an increase in hepcidin synthesis.
As the hepcidin level increases the ferroportin will shut down causing iron sequestration in the enterocytes.
Some people with low ferritin but with liver inflammation (taking drugs, the pill, chronic infections, intestinal dysbiosis) may have an elevation of hepcidin. In this case, the administration of iron is therefore unnecessary or even dangerous because the doors are closed!
The iron then accumulates in the enterocytes and is eliminated in the stools (black stools). It is therefore useless to give too much iron otherwise the iron reserves will drop.