Female and male steroid hormonal profile

Why do a hormonal profile:
Biological or functional age (aging)
Menopause Hormonal supplementation (screening and monitoring)
Age-related androgenic deficiency
Mood and cognitive disorders: memory, anxiety, stress response, sleep, neuroprotection.
Genital activity Pre - and post - menopause
But also :
Venous insufficiency
Candidiasis / urinary tract infections
Chronic fatigue
Each steroid hormone plays an important role in the growth of the body (hair growth, musculature, breast swelling, fat distribution, etc.), libido and our moods.
Estradiol E2 or estradiol is a natural derivative of the metabolism of cholesterol via testosterone which is necessary for the maintenance of fertility and secondary sexual characteristics in women.
Endogenous production of E2 also exists in the visual cortex of the brain.
In women, it is secreted by their ovaries from puberty in response to two hormones, FSH and LH. The level of E2 reaches a strong peak during the ovulatory phase.
After menopause, the level of circulating estradiol decreases sharply, generally being at a lower level than that of estrone.
Estradiol is also present in humans (synthesized by the testes) as an active metabolic product of testosterone.
In both sexes, estradiol and estrone are interconvertible; the conversion of estradiol to estrone is preferred and favored.
Estradiol not only has crucial effects on reproductive and sexual functioning, but it also affects other organs, including bones and the visual cortex.
A high level of E2 increases cerebral excitability, tables which can be confused with deficits in Serotonin: irritability, intolerance to frustration and anxiety depression.
High levels of E2 are also found in endometriosis, uterine fibroids, venous insufficiency, candidiasis, urinary tract infections, chronic fatigue.
Intestinal bacteria also play a role in the absorption and assimilation of estradiol.
Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is derived from pregnenolone, itself derived from cholesterol.
Progesterone is synthesized by the corpus luteum of the ovaries or in the placenta by the action of luteinizing hormone (LH). Its concentration changes during the menstrual cycle, increasing noticeably after ovulation (on the fourteenth day of the cycle) and falling if no fertilization occurs.
It prepares the uterine lining for implantation of the egg, in the event of fertilization, and ensures the absence of rhythmic contractions of the uterine muscles. It also inhibits new ovulations during pregnancy.
The synthesis of progesterone or some of its derivatives, which like it has the property of blocking ovulation (but also of increasing the density of cervical mucus, a barrier to spermatozoa), allowed the American Gregory Pincus to develop the contraceptive pill (1953).
The dosage of E2 also makes it possible to determine the pre-menopause and menopause phase and thus to propose an appropriate treatment.
In pre-menopause, the Prog / E2 ratio decreases by a decrease in progesterone.
In post menopause, E2 decreases, progesterone is at 0 and testosterone increases.
DHEA is a steroid hormone made in the nervous system from cholesterol, independent of the peripheral glands. It antagonizes the functioning of the GABA receptor, which results in a calming effect.
DHEA has effects on cognitive functions, mood and neuroprotection.
DHEA decreases from the age of 40 and has implications in aging and in the occurrence of age-related pathologies.
Most so-called non-hormone-dependent organs nevertheless have estrogen or androgen receptors and can be the site of DHEA metabolism: adipose tissue, bones, muscles, skin, brain, liver, lymphocytes.
Cortisol is the stress hormone. It was this which allowed our prehistoric ancestors to activate physiological processes (increase in heart rate, dilation of blood vessels, release of insulin to bring more sugar into the cells) to flee from the danger (a ferocious animal for example). Nowadays, acute stress is rarely but rather chronic (work, family…). Unfortunately, the physiological processes remain the same with disastrous consequences: cognitive disorders, problems with falling asleep or even sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, a risk factor for possible memory disorders or even Alzheimer's disease.
A deficient morning cortisol can be suggestive of professional exhaustion (burn-out).
The DHEA / cortisol ratio gives an idea about the capacities of stress management. If this ratio is less than 100 then we are in a situation of chronic stress.
Testosterone is a steroid hormone, from the androgen group. In mammals, testosterone is secreted mainly by the testes of males and the ovaries of females, to a lesser extent; in smaller amounts, the adrenal glands and some other tissues also produce testosterone. It is the main male sex hormone and the "original" anabolic steroid.
Testosterone plays a key role in health and well-being, especially in sexual functioning. Among other examples, these effects can be increased energy, increased blood cell production, and protection against osteoporosis. Being one of the main androgens, testosterone is necessary for good sexual development in males.
Like other steroid hormones, testosterone is a derivative of cholesterol. In women, a large part of testosterone is synthesized by "peripheral conversion", ie at the very site of action, in the tissues. This peripheral conversion is the main source of testosterone in postmenopausal women. If we consider all the sources of testosterone in women, by counting the peripheral conversion, it is estimated that the production in women is about 60% of the testosterone produced in men.
Incidences of Testosterone - Asthenia, Depression
Ovarian functions: - Transient cycle disorders - Long-lasting functional amenorrhea if associated caloric restriction (22% MG) Androgenic functions, the alteration of testosterone is secondary to the increase in cortisol: - Libido - Aggressive behavior - Protein metabolism ( bone and muscle) - CV risk (hypertension, etc.)
SHBG is a protein produced in the liver and whose role is to bind strongly to sex hormones (testosterone and estradiol) in order to limit their action. For the same total testosterone level, the higher the SHBG level, the less active testosterone there is in the cells (free testosterone).
Several conditions can affect the level of SHBG: diet, oral contraception, liver failure, thyroid problem, rapid weight loss, insulin resistance, inflammation.
A large increase in SHGB is a significant risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia.
The immune profile (only for hormonal profile + immune profile assessments) is not specific to the hormonal assessment but it will allow you to offer you a personalized basic treatment to reduce the excess hormones responsible for clinical dysfunctions.

The immune profile (only for hormonal profile + immune profile assessments) is not specific to the hormonal assessment but it will allow you to offer you a personalized basic treatment to reduce the excess hormones responsible for clinical dysfunctions.
Finally, do not forget that your hormones are dependent on your digestive system and in particular your intestinal bacteria. This is why it also seems important to know the state of your gut microbiota to manage hormonal dysfunction.