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Digestive Assessments

clinique de nutrition physiologique marq

Digestive Assessments

clinique de nutrition physiologique marq

Why measure digestive markers?

The ultra-sensitive CRP


Strictly speaking, is not an intestinal marker. It is the marker of systemic inflammation, the cause of which can be digestive or non-digestive.

It represents a first choice marker of the inflammatory reaction increasing in proportion to its intensity.

This marker is disturbed during IBD, diverticulitis, sigmoiditis.



Β-defensin -2  is an essential marker in the screening of low-grade intestinal inflammation. A major player in the innate immunity of the digestive tract in humans, it exerts an antimicrobial activity in a very broad spectrum of activity: bacteria, fungi, viruses, envelopes, protozoa.

An increase in β-defensin 2 is a major call point for recurrent intestinal infections with bacteria, and candidiasis.

Β-defensin 2 is particularly high in: Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), diverticulitis, sigmoiditis, untreated food allergies, overweight, obesity, migraines, Irritable Bowel Syndromes.



Zonulin is considered to be a marker of intestinal permeability.

The increased permeability of tight junctions by zonulin can induce activation of the immune system, chronic systemic inflammation and tissue damage.

Several stimuli have been implicated in the release of zonulin, such as exposure of the small intestine to bacteria and gluten.

Changes in intestinal permeability can compromise the intestinal barrier and allow pathogens or other pro-inflammatory molecules to pass into the bloodstream, leading to chronic systemic inflammation in undesirable compartments: liver, adipose tissue, joint, brain, etc.



Calprotectin is the benchmark high-grade bowel inflammation marker in IBD (Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis).

Fecal calprotectin appears to be effective in identifying flare-up IBD and colorectal cancer but lacks sensitivity both in separating colorectal cancer from colorectal adenoma, as well as a person with colorectal adenoma from a control subject. (Damms and Bischoff, 2008)

The measurement of faecal calprotectin makes it possible to monitor the effectiveness of a treatment used against IBD.

Secretory IgA


Secretory immunoglobulins A (IgAs) are antibodies produced mainly in the mucous membranes.

They constitute a first line of immune defense against toxins and infectious agents present in the environment.

The main part of the intestinal immunity of the antibodies is devolved to the IgAs, this being a peculiarity of all the mucous membranes.

IgAs are involved both in the intestinal mucosa and epithelial cells in immune protection, intracellular neutralization of viruses and fragments of pathogenic bacteria, but also in the bloodstream to eliminate antigens that have accidentally crossed the barrier. epithelial.

A decrease in IgAs will be a risk factor for allergy, asthma, recurrent intestinal infections. An increase will be witness to a chronic intestinal infections untreated allergies.



NASH • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis • Inflammatory pathologies (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's disease,…) • Obesity • Atherosclerosis • Pathologies of the Central Nervous System (mood, cognitive disorders…) • Joint pathologies (arthritis) • Pulmonary pathologies ( asthma…) • Skin pathologies (Eczema)

CD14 are endotoxin receptors and transporters.

  • Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that make up most of the membranes of Gram negative bacteria.

  • A high endotoxinemia will contribute to an exacerbated inflammation potentiating the appearance of various pathologies  :      

  • potential role in the development of obesity, insulin resistance and the onset of type 2 diabetes.

  • in relation to atherosclerosis due to their impact on inflammatory and infectious phenomena.

  • risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in humans.

  • higher in subjects with inflammatory bowel disease.

  • action on behavior and neurodegenerative pathologies.



Lymphocytes are at the heart of immune regulation. They make it possible to act more directly on the response.

Dysregulations of lymphocyte populations are a sign of inflammatory, infectious, autoimmune or immunodeficiency disorders.

Th17 lymphocytes


Autoimmune disease, Psoriasis, Polyarthritis, Colorectal cancer.

They participate in the defense against extracellular bacteria.

If they are increased, they constitute a risk factor for the potentiation of inflammation.

In addition, they can also participate in the development of autoimmune diseases.

Th22 lymphocytes


Chronic intestinal bacterial infections, Atopic dermatitis, IBD, Colorectal cancer

Th22 helps fight bacterial infections.

They play a role in the protection and repair of the mucous membranes (intestinal, skin, vaginal, oral…).

CD25 lymphocytes


Decrease in anti-parasitic responses, Inhibition of anti-tumor responses, Evolution of autoimmune diseases, Decreased anti-viral response, Candidiasis

They play an important role in the regulation of inflammation and effector lymphocytes.

They help prevent the activation of autoimmune lymphocytes which destroy cells in our body.

CRP Ultrasensible
Woman's Torso Lying

The digestive assessments that we offer prevent and relieve all forms of functional or organic intestinal pathologies as well as extra-digestive manifestations.

Digestive pathologies include  :

  • chronic intestinal infections

  • Diarrhea or chronic constipation

  • digestive discomfort

  • malabsorption syndromes, irritable bowel

  • Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBD

  • celiac disease

  • diverticulitis - Sigmoiditis - Pseudomembranous colitis

  • prevention of colorectal cancer

  • food allergies and hypersensitivities

Extra-digestive pathologies include among others  :

  • overweight, obesity problem

  • type 2 diabetes

  • liver pathologies  : NASH, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis

  • joint pathologies

  • certain pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system  : Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis

  • autoimmune diseases, asthma, allergies

What markers are we dosing and why?

Systemic inflammation

Low-grade digestive inflammation


High grade digestive inflammation

Immunodeficiency Immune hyperactivation


Intestinal homeostasis

Protection and repair of mucous membranes

Immune regulation

Bilan digestif
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